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Kybellain Tampa, FL

Kybella Tampa

Eliminate Stubborn Fat

Kybella in Tampa at Elixir Aesthetics.

Eliminate your double-chin while taking back your confidence with Kybella treatments at Elixir Aesthetics. Kybella treatments involve using an injectable medication to deteriorate fat cells in small pockets of stubborn fat, such as your upper neck and chin. Patients who receive fat-reducing injections typically see their desired results within two to three treatments, making this an excellent, minimally invasive treatment that yields permanent results. Schedule your Tampa Kybella consultation today at Elixir Aesthetics.

A Simpler Alternative

What is Kybella?

Kybella treatments involve using an injectable medication that reduces small pockets of unwanted fat by breaking down the excess fat cells in that area. The active ingredient in Kybella, deoxycholic acid, is found naturally in the body’s digestive system. Kybella is safe, FDA-approved, and an effective alternative to liposuction or other invasive procedures.

Natural Reshaping

What can Kybella do?

Reducing your double chin or other small pockets of fat has never been easier. Kybella is designed for healthy adults who are close to their ideal body weight who want to improve the contour of their jawline or slim small body areas, such as bra fat, knees, or minor abdominal irregularities. Every face and body is unique - schedule your consultation today to see Kybella treatments can benefit you.

Kybella Tampa

Kybella at Elixir Aesthetics

At Elixir Aesthetics, we address the face and body as a whole. Our providers are able to effectively eliminate small pockets of stubborn fat on the face or body with fat-dissolving injections. We often combine these treatments with other modalities that enhance the fat reduction process and tighten the surrounding skin. If you want to learn more about Kybella Tampa patients should schedule a consultation today so our aesthetic experts can help you achieve your cosmetic goals.

Kybella Tampa

So Many Options

Kybella Consultation

During your consultation, our medical experts will decipher if Kybella treatments are appropriate for you and which other complementary treatments will help achieve your desired results. Our personalized treatment plans allow for a holistic approach to your beauty and skin health. Pairing fat-reducing injections with a skin tightening treatment, biostimulators, or dermal fillers will help address multi-layered skin concerns. Schedule your consultation today and let Elixir Aesthetics help you reach your goals.

No Surprises

Kybella Preparation and Procedure

During your treatment, our medical providers will discuss the process with you and mark out where your fat-dissolving injections will be administered. At Elixir Aesthetics, we strive to make every procedure as comfortable as possible. We mix a local anesthetic with the fat-dissolving medication to make the procedure very tolerable. Kybella treatments are very quick, taking just a few minutes to administer safely and effectively.

Kybella Tampa

We’re Here for You

Kybella Recovery, Results, and Aftercare

After your Kybella procedure, you will likely experience swelling of the injection site for three to five days, but can last up to two weeks. Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours. You may experience redness, bruising, and mild discomfort at the injection site for several days. Results are seen four to eight weeks post treatment, and a series of treatments is typically required. Your provider will discuss your personalized treatment plan at your consultation.

Maintaining your Kybella results

Most clients reach their desired results within two to three treatments. Fat-reducing injections can permanently eliminate fat cells — once the fat cells are destroyed, they are destroyed for good. Though the destruction of the treated fat cells is permanent, if your weight fluctuates the body is still able to produce new fat cells. We encourage clients to maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure longevity of their results. To continue to improve the skin in the treated area, your provider may suggest other maintenance treatments with collagen stimulation procedures.

KybellaFrequently Asked Questions

We mix a local anesthetic with our fat-reduction injections to reduce the initial burning sensation caused by the immediate destruction of fat cells. Once the anesthetic wears off, you may experience a mild soreness at the injection site for several days.

In the hands of an experienced provider, Kybella treatments are typically low-risk, but some rare, more severe risks may occur. Typical side effects may include tenderness, bruising, and inflammation at the injection site. Rare side effects may include infection, difficulty swallowing, nerve damage, and temporary asymmetry of your smile, among other medical issues. Notify your provider if you have any concerns.

To achieve noticeable results multiple treatment sessions are typically required. Your trained practitioner will estimate how many vials and how many treatment sessions you may need. With any medical procedure, there will be some variance in expected outcomes. The cost for Kybella treatments at Elixir Aesthetics varies depending on how much product is needed. Investment starts at $750.

At Elixir Aesthetics, we believe that beauty is not created but cultivated. We offer thoughtful care using approaches based on biology to highlight the gorgeous hues, textures, and contours that make up you. Our highly-experienced providers merge artistry with science to activate your skin’s hidden potential and summon your inner glow. Discover the path to better skin by booking your first appointment today. We look forward to helping you uncover your most radiant self.

2908 W Azeele St, Suite B, Tampa, FL 33609