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Moxi in Tampa, FL

Sciton MOXI Tampa

Advanced Laser Technology

Sciton MOXI in Tampa at Elixir Aesthetics

MOXI, Sciton’s newest fractional laser, targets the health of the surface of the skin. With this advanced laser technology, energy is precisely delivered to the superficial layers of the skin to promote collagen production leading to improvement in skin texture, fine lines, pores, and pigmentation. At our office in Tampa Sciton MOXI is well tolerated by almost any skin type, and ideal for those who want a smooth, glowing, even complexion. With minimal downtime, this quick procedure is easy to incorporate into your comprehensive skin-health regimen.

Sciton MOXI at Elixir Aesthetics

At Elixir Aesthetics, we incorporate regular laser treatments into your customized aesthetic plan to promote cell renewal and a healthy, rejuvenated complexion. Our dedicated laser specialists can address a multitude of skin concerns and often recommend MOXI for a laser resurfacing option that can be safely performed, any time of year. Your aesthetic provider may combine Sciton MOXI with one of our other treatment modalities for a personalized elixir to address your unique needs. Schedule your Sciton MOXI consultation at Elixir Aesthetics to start your skin-rejuvenation journey.

Laser Focused

What is Sciton MOXI?

With Sciton MOXI Tampa patients are getting a revolutionary laser that comfortably and quickly resurfaces the superficial layers of the skin. The laser handpiece emits short bursts of fractionated energy that create micro-channels in the surface of the skin leading to cell renewal and regeneration. MOXI is ideal for addressing concerns such as texture, fine lines, pores, and pigmentation. Because it is a non-ablative laser, your skin is left smooth and flawless with minimal downtime.

Sciton MOXI Tampa

Age Your Way

What can Sciton MOXI do?

MOXI achieves vibrant, evenly textured skin with minimal discomfort or downtime. It quickly diminishes sun damage and hyperpigmentation while smoothing the skin surface for a brighter, glassier complexion. Most patients that try Sciton MOXI can expect a rejuvenated appearance, boosted confidence, and compliments on how refreshed they look afterward.

Reasons to Consider Sciton MOXI

  • Easy to tolerate procedure
  • Minimal downtime
  • Suitable for all skin tones
  • Quick treatment sessions
  • Customizable settings for pre-rejuvenation and maintenance or a more corrective treatment
  • May be used on the face, neck, décolletage, and body

Flawlessly Smooth

Sciton MOXI Consultation

Your consultation is the most essential component to developing your tailored aesthetic plan. Your Elixir Aesthetics provider will listen to your goals, assess your aesthetic needs, and work with you to develop a customized treatment plan that works for you. Regular Sciton MOXI treatments are an effective pre-juvenation and maintenance treatment, but can also be tailored or combined with other treatments for more transformative results. After careful skin analysis, your aesthetic provider will discuss how to incorporate Sciton MOXI treatments into your regimen.

Sciton MOXI Tampa

Revitalized Complexion

Sciton MOXI Preparation and Procedure

Before your Sciton MOXI skin resurfacing treatment, avoid sun exposure and sunless/self-tanning for two weeks prior to your treatment. Discontinue retin-A, tretinoin, or retinols one week prior to your treatment.

On the day of your treatment, please arrive without makeup. At Elixir Aesthetics, we strive to make all treatments as comfortable as possible. Arrive at your appointment 30-45 minutes early for topical anesthetic ointment. With the use of topical anesthetic ointment, the procedure is mildly uncomfortable, but tolerable for most clients. A typical face treatment can be completed quickly, typically in under 10 minutes!

Minimal Downtime

Sciton MOXI Recovery, Results, and Aftercare

Your provider will discuss the particulars of your recovery, aftercare, and results with you at your consultation. Following your MOXI Skin Resurfacing treatment, your skin will temporarily be red and swollen for a few hours. You may experience slight redness, swelling, a sandpaper-like texture, and an overall “bronzed” appearance to the skin for 3-7 days. The microscopic channels created by the laser leave tiny scab-like dots throughout the treated skin that typically shed about 3-7 days later on the face and 7-14 days later on the body.

After your treatment, a recovery serum will be applied to your skin and directions about your specific skin care regimen discussed. Do not apply makeup or sunscreen the day of your treatment. You may resume a gentle cleanser and light moisturizer the night of your treatment. The following day, non-irritating skincare, sunscreen, and makeup may resume. Avoid irritating topical skin products like retinoids, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and any form of chemical or manual exfoliation for one week while your freshly rejuvenated skin emerges.

Maintaining your MOXI Skin Resurfacing results

Your specific needs, results, and maintenance plan will be discussed during your consultation for Sciton MOXI in Tampa. Typically, optimal results are achieved with a series of three treatments, one month apart, then regular maintenance treatments to continue to stimulate collagen in the surface skin layers.

Sciton MOXI Frequently Asked Questions

MOXI is a gentle non-ablative fractional laser with few risks and side effects. It focuses on the uppermost dermis and epidermis only. It is well tolerated by most skin types. In the hands of Elixir Aesthetics’ experienced and educated providers, the procedure is relatively low risk.

Regular maintenance treatments to continually stimulate the surface of the skin are recommended, whether it is through MOXI laser resurfacing or other types of superficial skin rejuvenation.

Sciton MOXI is an inclusive laser that works for nearly all skin tones and types, including darker skin tones that can’t be treated with conventional lasers.

Investment for MOXI skin resurfacing depends on your desired treatment area and how many sessions are needed for your specific needs. Your Elixir Aesthetics provider will discuss your investment and package options during your consultation. Investment starts at $750 for individual treatments and $1950 for package options. Sciton MOXI can also be added onto other laser and energy treatments starting at $350.

At Elixir Aesthetics, we believe that beauty is not created but cultivated. We offer thoughtful care using approaches based on biology to highlight the gorgeous hues, textures, and contours that make up you. Our highly-experienced providers merge artistry with science to activate your skin’s hidden potential and summon your inner glow. Discover the path to better skin by booking your first appointment today. We look forward to helping you uncover your most radiant self.

2908 W Azeele St, Suite B, Tampa, FL 33609