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Chemical Peelsin Tampa, FL

Chemical Peels Tampa

Uncover Hidden Beauty

Chemical Peels in Tampa at Elixir Aesthetics

As we age, our natural cell turnover slows, causing the retention of damaged skin cells on the surface of the skin. This process leads to a dull, lackluster skin surface. Modern-day chemical peels are a trusted way to improve overall skin quality. They resurface and exfoliate the skin, ridding dry and damaged tissue. Fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, and hyperpigmentation are reduced as fresher skin emerges. Unveil your smooth and clear skin with a Chemical Peel in Tampa at Elixir Aesthetics.

Restore Your Radiance

What are Chemical Peels?

Our Tampa Chemical Peel treatments are ideal for smoothing skin texture, improving discoloration, and reducing blemishes. After the solution is applied to the skin surface, your body is stimulated to shed the outermost layer of the skin, unveiling healthier, smoother, and clearer skin in its place.

At Elixir Aesthetics, we use the most effective chemical peel solutions to treat acne, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation on the face and body. After a thorough consultation and considering your skin type, ancestral history, current and past skin conditions, and desired results, our aestheticians will select the most beneficial chemical peel for your individual skin needs. Depending on their chemical makeup and strength, chemical peels can be repeated weekly, monthly, or yearly to maintain optimal results.

An Elixir For Everyone

Chemical Peel Treatments at Elixir Aesthetics

Our experts at Elixir Aesthetics customize your Chemical Peel for your individual needs. We offer a range of chemical peels to enhance and revitalize your natural complexion.

Light Peels are the mildest form of chemical peel, typically using glycolic acid and salicylic acid. These “lunchtime peels” are gentle and often used to prepare the skin for deeper peels or to enhance the efficacy of more invasive procedures. At Elixir Aesthetics, they are included in a variety of our Skin Therapy treatments like Elixir Signature Skin Therapy, Hi-Tech Skin Therapy, Focused Skin Therapy, Men’s Skin Therapy, and ZAP Rescue Skin Therapy.

Medium Peels involve the application of a medium-strength chemical formula containing a combination of trichloroacetic acid (TCA), retinoic acid, phenol, salicylic acid, lactic acid, and/or glycolic acid to treat acne, fine lines, wrinkles, age, and sun spots, melasma, and enlarged pores. These peels are safe and effective on all skin types and used on both the face and body. They have moderate downtime and can be applied up to four times per year. 

Vitality Institute (VI) Peel (30 min) starting at $375

Environ Cool Peel (20min) starting at $150

Chemical Peels Tampa
Chemical Peels Tampa

Safety First

Chemical Peel Preparation and Procedure

Before your procedure, avoid sun exposure and sunless/self-tanning to the planned treatment area for four weeks.

For one week prior to your Chemical Peel Tampa patients should avoid any form of exfoliation and irritating topical skin products such as retinoids, glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, Vitamin C products, and hydroquinone. After a thorough explanation of the treatment process, your aesthetician will apply the chemical peel to the desired treatment area. Depending on which formulation is utilized, you may feel a slight to moderate tingling and warmth sensation during and after the treatment process.

Peel Away Imperfections

Chemical Peel Recovery, Results, and Aftercare

Recovery from Chemical Peels varies greatly depending on which formulation was used and your unique skin factors.

Your aesthetician will discuss your expected recovery, results, and aftercare during your appointment. Your skin may be tight and rough, with pigmentation more pronounced for several days following the treatment. As the targeted skin naturally sheds, you may experience mild to significant peeling of the skin for three to ten days.

It is possible that your skin does not have visible peeling; the skin is still being exfoliated at the microscopic level, and the treatment is still beneficial without visible peeling. After your Chemical Peel, treat your skin gently. Cleanse with cool water and moisturize often. Sunscreen can be applied six hours after the treatment. Avoid sweating until the peeling has finished. Avoid acidic skin products such as retinoids for two weeks. Avoid excessive heat, sun exposure, sunless/self-tanning, exfoliating, waxing, and laser treatments for four weeks. Most importantly, do NOT pick, rub, or peel off the skin during the peeling process as this prematurely removes the skin before the new skin is ready and may lead to hyperpigmentation and scarring.

Chemical Peels Tampa

Maintaining your Chemical Peel results

Lighter chemical peels may be repeated weekly or monthly to maintain glowing, fresh skin. Moderate or deep chemical peels may be recommended in a series over several months or yearly to maintain results. Pairing your Chemical Peel treatment with a complementary skin care regimen and other skin health treatments will enhance your results and keep your skin radiant longer.

Chemical PeelFrequently Asked Questions

Patients typically report that Chemical Peels are mildly uncomfortable but not painful. You may experience a tingling, warm sensation comparable to a sunburn. This sensation may linger for a few hours after the treatment but should subside within twenty-four hours.

In the hands of experienced providers, lasting side effects from Chemical Peels are rare but can include lasting redness, itching, swelling, dryness, rebound hyperpigmentation, and scarring. However, with proper pre- and post-care, these risks are lowered significantly.

Inform your provider if you are pregnant, nursing, allergic to aspirin or phenol, have used Accutane in the past three months, have autoimmune disorders, or are prone to cold sores. Depending on your individual circumstance, your provider may suggest an alternative treatment.

Light Chemical Peels are included in our Elixir Signature Skin Therapy, Hi-Tech Skin Therapy, Focused Skin Therapy, Men’s Skin Therapy, and ZAP Rescue Skin Therapy. Investment for medium-strength peels, such as the VI Peel starts at $375.

At Elixir Aesthetics, we believe that beauty is not created but cultivated. We offer thoughtful care using approaches based on biology to highlight the gorgeous hues, textures, and contours that make up you. Our highly-experienced providers merge artistry with science to activate your skin’s hidden potential and summon your inner glow. Discover the path to better skin by booking your first appointment today. We look forward to helping you uncover your most radiant self.

2908 W Azeele St, Suite B, Tampa, FL 33609